We had a vast in depth brainstorm as to what our production company could be and liked the idea of in cooperating out names into it. Our teacher names our group “RAST” when we were pitching our film and this gave me an idea if we rearrange the letters of our first names being, Sam, Tolga, Alex and Ryan. This would produce “STA
R”. As a group we decided tat this should be the name of our production studio.
We came up with this (below) as our original production title design, but did not feel the typography was what we needed for our film. We also asked others what film this production company would make and the response was comedy/spoof, when it should be a spy/thriller response.
This is another design (above) we created which does not show the letter "A" in the title because we felt this would show its a mystery, but we realize that the audience would not recognize our company as STAR but STR, so instead of the use of an A we have used an actual star in our final and chosen design (below)
This title design (below) is our chosen production title design and we feel this would be the type of styled company who would produce our film. We felt this typography portrays the genre of our film as a mystery, thriller well with the use of the top secret lettering as font.
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