Title Sequence is the method by which cinematic films or television programs present their title, key productions and cast members or both utilizing conceptual visuals are sound. When it comes to how important these sequences are, first impression is everything because this I what gets the audiences and attention and engages them with the film
Codes and Conventions of titles sequences
• Details of cast and crew
• The film’s title
• An introduction to character or character type
• Indication of location of the film
• Shows the audience what historical period the film is set
• Information regarding mood and tone
• Introduce the signature theme tune
• Present the genre of the film
• Intriguing questions/setting up enigmas which will later be solved in the film
• Patterns and types of editing that will be echoed the film
• Mise en Scene and cinematography that will be echoed or elaborated upon later in the film.
After discussing thoroughly the codes and conventions of title sequence's we then proceeded to study Kyle Cooper’s titles for David Finchers thriller "se7evn". This title sequence was seen as revolutionary and inspirational because it was unlike any title sequence seen at the time. In a interview regarding title sequences credited designer Cooper said "The form should be born out of the content."
Se7en Synopsis - Two detectives, a rookie and a veteran, hunt a serial killer who uses the seven deadly sins as his modus operandi.
The title sequence for this film is so credited due to the fact that it was different, unique and for the first time in a movie showed the audience in a title sequence what was going to happen in the movie they were about to watch. For instance this show the serial killer plotting his evil scheme or murder using the seven deadly sins. The audience relate to this title sequence later on in the film when the killer is revealed to them.
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